Fraxel® Re:store Specialists in Fort Lauderdale, FL
How Does Fraxel Re:store Work?
We know that our skin takes a lot of abuse through the years. Whether you weren’t so good about wearing sunscreen every day or you deal with severe acne as a teenager, there are a lot of problems that can happen to us. Luckily, our dermatologists at the Skin Center in Fort Lauderdale, FL, offers a simple laser treatment that could tackle a wide variety of skin problems to both improve your appearance and boost your confidence.
Fraxel® Re:store is actually the original Fraxel® laser treatment. This treatment works by causing microscopic injuries to the skin. This will not just stimulate the body’s natural healing response but it will also restructure and stimulate collagen production, which helps to smooth away lines and wrinkles.
Fraxel® laser treatment is a great option for patients dealing with age spots, sun damage, hyperpigmentation, superficial scars, textural issues, and lines and wrinkles. While it’s most commonly used on the face it can also be used on the neck, hands, chest, and arms. It’s also safe and effective on any skin type and skin color.
When the laser is directed over the skin, it safely penetrates the deeper layers of the skin, targeting the imperfections and destroying them. Since this is a non-ablative technique this means that it boasts fewer side effects and a faster recovery period, which means that you can go back to work and your daily routine usually right after.
In most cases, patients will require anywhere from 3-5 treatment sessions over the course of several weeks in order to achieve the optimal results. The treatment itself takes about 20 to 25 minutes to complete, but before we begin the procedure we will first clean the skin and then apply an anesthetic to the area to numb it. This will ensure that you don’t feel any discomfort. The numbing agent will be administered about one hour before your treatment. You should notice changes in your skin after just one treatment and you’ll also notice your skin improving more and more over the coming weeks.
SkinCenter is excited to offer PRO-NOX to our patients. PRO-NOX is a patient controlled inhaled analgesic comprised of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. It helps reduce pain and anxiety associated with any in office procedure. The device is patient controlled so you can control how much and when you need more. The gas is fast acting and has a short duration leaving the body within minutes meaning patients can still drive to and from the office.
Click video to watch Kelly Ripa use PRO-NOX during Ultherapy.